Sunday, March 17, 2013


It's been a while since I posted.  Not because I didn't want to.  Instead, I got robbed on the El and they took my phone.  Which was my #1 way of updating my blog.

How does that happen?  Well, as it turns out, very easily.  I was simply sitting there, minding my own business, and someone walked off with it.  It happened so quickly.

I have to admit, I was bummed for a while.  It felt so violating.  Stupid, right?

But I felt what I felt and now I'm over it.  And I'm just so thankful.

Thankful it didn't turn violent.
Thankful for a friend who is letting me borrow their old phone.
Thankful he didn't steal my purse.
Thankful that I was raised better than to steal people's stuff.

Silver linings people.

Anyway, now I am getting used to being on a computer again and will work on updating from there.

Have a fantastic week fabulous readers!