Sunday, March 17, 2013


It's been a while since I posted.  Not because I didn't want to.  Instead, I got robbed on the El and they took my phone.  Which was my #1 way of updating my blog.

How does that happen?  Well, as it turns out, very easily.  I was simply sitting there, minding my own business, and someone walked off with it.  It happened so quickly.

I have to admit, I was bummed for a while.  It felt so violating.  Stupid, right?

But I felt what I felt and now I'm over it.  And I'm just so thankful.

Thankful it didn't turn violent.
Thankful for a friend who is letting me borrow their old phone.
Thankful he didn't steal my purse.
Thankful that I was raised better than to steal people's stuff.

Silver linings people.

Anyway, now I am getting used to being on a computer again and will work on updating from there.

Have a fantastic week fabulous readers!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pinterest Saves Lives

Ok, maybe it doesn't save lives per se, but it definitely makes it easier!  Today, the hubby and I took on a task that we have been avoiding for a long time: organizing our family's important paperwork.  I found this pinterest pin about making binders for each person in the family and adding all important documents to it.

The thing is, we've been using an old filing cabinet for a long time for important documents.  What did it become, you ask? Just another place to catch all that junk that has nowhere else to be organized.  It has been so hard to find things that we need when we need them.

Well, if anything, Pinterest has encouraged us to be more organized and more adventurous in the... kitchen (What did you think I was going to say?  Dirty!).  This way of organizing our important things is definitely prettier than that old filing cabinet, for sure.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Daisy Duke Workout- HOLY COW!

Brian and I recently joined a gym (YES, we are those people) and I was really looking for a workout that would be challenging.  I found this one on Pinterest (where else?) and tried it today.  WOW!  No wonder she was in great shape!  I am definitely feeling it about 6 hours later.  Brian also started working out today- he walked on the treadmill for an HOUR because that's how he lost weight last time.  Let me tell you, having kids is one great way to add pounds to your figure, whether you're a mom or a dad.  But really, who wouldn't want a body like this?

In other "resolution" news, we started meal planning yesterday.  I mounted a large dry erase marker on our fridge and wrote down what we are having for dinner each day of the week.  This kills two birds with one stone- both the saving money and the getting organized resolutions.  This will do for now, but soon I hope to make this one (AGAIN off Pinterest!).  Isn't it neat?  I'm really in awe of it:

We are also getting rid of CABLE soon, yikes!  We haven't been without it in the 6 years of marriage we have gone through so far.  But, we're planning on getting a Roku Box, like this one here.  It streams Netflix, Hulu+, Pandora and much much more.  It will be weird not watching local news or sporting events the way we used to but it will save us a bunch of money for sure.

I know I made several more resolutions, but these are all I can keep up with right now.  Once these become habit I can work on changing some other things that need a-changin'.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Friday Favorites

I've seen this done on other blogs and I LOVE it.  It's such a great idea to remember throughout the week the things that bring you joy, keep you young, and remind you of the beauty and fragility of life.  The goal is to think of the things throughout the week that were your absolute favorite.  They don't, of course, have to be things and often aren't.  Here's mine for this week:

1)  New Year's Eve- Ahhh.  I love that brand new fresh feeling of December 31st/January 1st.  It's kind of like the beginning of spring.  Everything feels new and like you have a brand new start.  Of course, there's no time like the present to change things in your life that need changing.  But it's always helpful to have a very set start day for resolutions.

Here's my crazy kid on New Year's Eve, being cute and joining us for going on errands:
2)  Starting my anesthesia rotation- Each resident spends 1 month of their first year spending each day with anesthesiologists and learning as much as possible about pain control, anesthesia, and intubation.  Perk: COOL surgeries.  So far I have seen a tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy, alveoplasties (although I saw plenty of them during dental school), and a cardiac ablation.  Most of these surgeries have been pediatric (which is kind of the point).  I have not intubated yet but I am sure that is coming soon.  Although I am not planning on intubating on a regular basis it will be good to have the experience in case it is needed in the future.

3)  A day off with my hubby tomorrow-  'Nuff said!  I love having family time and it doesn't come often enough.

4)  Visiting my grandparents in Iowa-  They bought a house this summer and I had yet to visit.  I know, bad granddaughter.  But the house is perfect for them!  I am so glad I got to visit and spend time with them as they are truly the best!

This picture was taken on my family's long-lived land.  I think the sign is pretty funny:

   5)  This is 40-  OMG.  This movie was absolutely hilarious.  I have heard some people say it was depressing, but Brian and I actually thought it was inspired and made us hopeful for the future.  Plus, we were laughing so hard we were crying.  That often helps.  :)

6)  Date Night-  While we are on the subject of movies, we got a date night because my grandparents took Jackson for the weekend until we visited over New Year's.  It was GLORIOUS!  (also great movie, so funny!  Go see it!)

7)  New Clothes-  My fabulous hubby took me on a shopping SPREE for my Christmas present.  I got some earrings, some new undergarments (blush), a couple sweaters, three new long sleeve shirts, a new t-shirt, some makeup and some perfume.  Before kids, this would have been no big deal.  It's what I did with disposable income.  But now, if we're going shopping for clothes it's definitely for Jackson, not us.  I am so excited to have some cute new clothes!

8)  Re-reading my favorite series:  I told you before, reading is my favorite!  And even better than reading is reading the BEST series of all time- Harry Potter.  In my pre-kid days, I would have already read the ENTIRE series (I started over Thanksgiving break) but I'm only on Prisoner of Azkaban currently.

9)  Chocolate Chip Cookies-  I told you I LOVE food right?  I made the best chocolate chip cookies the other day.  Seriously.  They were that awesome.

10) Yahtzee-  On one of our date nights earlier in the week we got to play a few games of Yahtzee.  If you haven't experienced the gloriousness that is Yahtzee, you're missing out.  Seriously, it's awesome!

What's been on your happy list this week?

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year, New Blog

When:  January 2013

What:  Starting a new blog

Why:  Because it is so important to document memories.  It's a NEW YEAR so what better time, right? 

Who I am:  I am a 27 year old wife, mother, pediatric dentist, country girl living in the city.  I love running, reading, spending time with my family, crafting, and eating. 

I have no expectations of this blog.  In the past I have cornered myself to a small portion of who I am in order to label myself, at the detriment of my posting ability.  I am sure I will talk about life, the world, my family, and my career as well as really insignificant stuff.   You know, the stuff that takes up life.

I do hope that someday I will bind my thoughts into a book so my family (or myself) can look back on life and our fond memories.  I hope to inspire myself and others to create memories and make the most of life.

Or maybe this will just turn into a place where I remember good recipes.  Who knows right?  :)